Wednesday, December 8, 2010

What's goin on?

Tonight, we have a Latin mass celebrated by the Bishop in honor of The Immaculate Conception! Yay!

I'm really excited for the changes in the mass, and I LOVE to hear Latin. I have Tantum Ergo memorized by now, and the Latin responses are soon to follow! What a beautiful winter time in the church!

Not to mention there is finally a few inches of snow on the ground! :)

I think the RDYA is going to have to concentrate on some new members for a little while. We only have a few people attending meetings and things so we'll have to do some recruiting! Not so long ago, some of us went into catechism classes and talked about what the rdya does, but not many were responsive so I pray God plants some seeds soon!

Our Lady Immaculate, Pray for us!

Friday, December 3, 2010

This month

This month with the RDYA brings Wednesday evenings of Adoration, and one week each of Old Testament, Theology of the Body, the study of Sacraments, and our Faith in our lives- that one's discussing current day problems, and how our Faith can guide us through the mine field. :) Plus every month brings a social night: movie night, dance, and game night.
I would suggest going to the RDYA website to know the rest of the details of when and where :D YoungApostlesVt

There are some amazing events happening soon. The first coming up is the Tridantine Mass the Bishop is offering at Christ the King in Rutland on the 8th of December in honor of Our Lady's Feast of the Immaculate Conception (which is when Our Lady was conceived).

In January is the March for Life in Washington D.C. and also the one in Montpelier. The Diocesan website should have the details of how to sign up for the bus down to D.C.. Here's the Diocesan website:

Also MOUNT 2000 and BEYOND is happening!! that needs to be registered for by Jan. 4th. The theme this year is "Epic". Very appropriate! :) Here's the official site for the Mount:

I hope many people from Vt sign up to attend these events, they can be life changing when you open your heart.

Peace in the United Hearts,