Thursday, November 5, 2009

Prayer for NCYC.

I ask for your blessing as I begin my journey in your graces to Kansas City for NCYC 2009. I thank you so much for this amazing opportunity, and I pray that you would pour out your spirit on me, through Your Son. This amazing event can only be made possible by Your intervention, and I thank You so much for that. I pray for all the youth attending the conference with me from Vermont, that we can build and strengthen friendships in You that will last a lifetime, by supporting each other in this pilgrimage. I also pray for the hearts of all the youth attending this year's conference, that You will pour out Your blessing on them, as well. I pray that this experience will be rewarding for all who attend, and that we will all learn what You are teaching us here at home before, in Kansas during, and back home after the trip. Thank you again for this awesome opportunity.
Holy Mother please protect us on this trip and guide our pilgrimage with your wisdom and your light. Protect us and pray for us!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

NCYC promo

"NCYC" promotional video!

Seriously CHECK THIS OUT! I went when this video was made (Columbus, Ohio) and the feeling of God's presence among 20,000 other kids like me was overpowering. I laughed, I cried, I gasped and I sighed. There's hardly any words to describe an experience like this.

Mainly, there were two places the even was hosted at. One was the stadium where those shot of thousands of people were taken and the other was a huge building where the games and some 'general sessions' were(other talks for people of different interests). The second building is the one where so many of us were actually able to meet in person the various speakers and singers/musicians.

With all my heart, I pray everyone can experience a love for God as I have experienced at NCYC.

God Bless

Monday, October 5, 2009

C's Daily Life

I'm back! : )

It has been a while since I have written. Sorry about that.
Tonight I would like to talk about our day to day spiritual growth. Our Lady advises five communications with the Lord that we must keep up. It goes like this:
1. Live the Eucharist
2. Daily Rosary
3. Daily Bible Reading
4. Weekly Fasting
5. Monthly Confession

Since I heard this I have tried to live it, and make the Lord a part of my day. I figure if I can be so serious about brushing my teeth every single day, I can also be serious about talking to the Lord (who by the way, gave me my teeth) every day. The way I do it is by reading two chapters of the Bible every night before I go to sleep, go to mass every day (mostly in the morning), and say the rosary on the way to work. I personally have not been doing too well on the Fasting part, but I have tomorrow to fix that right? : )

What I always have to remind myself is that I am not perfect, I should never be surprised that I screw up, that the Lord never tests us beyond our strength, and He ALWAYS has Mercy on us and will give us the Grace to come back to Him.

I love you Lord, I love you sweet Mother,


Friday, October 2, 2009


Jesus Christ,
My Lord and Savior, teach me to laugh at myself and see you in these children I'm humbled to serve. Give me patience with myself that I can put my pride aside and do Your will with no distractions. Show me the truth and the light as I help guide your lambs to you, but let me forget my worries that I might show them the joy you have let me have in you!
Oh, and Lord, I pray I have fun at NCYC. I love you.

New experiences

So how much guts does it take to stand or sit in front of a bunch of second-graders for a CCD class that lasts around an hour? For me, a lot.

At the beginning of the summer, I went to the pastor of my parish to ask for parish funds so I could attend a retreat in Kansas City, Missouri called "National Catholic Youth Conference" or NCYC. Naturally, though to me unexpected, Fr. Justin - the pastor - asks me "Well, what does the parish get? If the parish is paying for it then they should get something in return for being generous." At first I laughed as I considered my skills so little and pretty much useless to the parish. What can I do for my parish when I have so little to give? I thought. Well, I was wrong. I had one invaluable thing. Time.

"What about helping out the Religious Ed. classes on Tuesdays?" Fr. Justin asks. (called CCD classes for short; Catholic Catechism... something. I haven't figured out what 'D' stands for... lol)

My reaction could pretty much be summed up by my next utterance: "Uh...."

So off I went to the CCD classes. At first I was worried I'd get some 'smart-alec' class and I'd be told off for treating them like little kids on my nerves, like my siblings treated me. Then I heard from the CCD coordinator that I'd be with the little kids since they were big classes this year.

Back to my original question, the one I had floating in the back of my mind all summer long while I waited for school to start; "How much guts does it take to stand or sit in front of a class of little kids?"

When I found out which class I was helping with I was glad to find I knew the teacher of the class. A youngish woman that had, just this past Easter, entered the Catholic Church. Encouraged, I finally walked into the class room one Tuesday afternoon to find about sixteen big/little eyes staring up at me from small desks. "Oh boy," I though. "This is going to be interesting."

You see, being seventeen, I'm not particularly suave and graceful with my actions or words. Stumbling around furniture and fumbling with my vocabulary is my daily routine and exercise! Plus, I walked in sweaty because I'm the school crossing guard. I must have looked weird to the kids... Anyway, when I saw those kids looking at me, my stomach turned up-side-down.

As I've seen the kids a few times now, I have gotten a better feel for how I'm supposed to act. Like a grownup! Totally weird...

Blessings to all.

In Christ,

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Fr. Tim's Wisdom

This statement was given graciously in answer to one of JJ's questions at our last bible study with Fr. Naples this summer. The question was "How does our offering up sufferings to Christ help anything?"

"I make up for my sufferings that which is lacking in the sufferings of Christ." - St. Paul

What more could be added? The merits of Christ are 'infinite'. He is The Source of all Grace. What could possible be lacking? Primarily and essentially, ourselves. Our conformity to Christ does not produce more, but it adds to His mystical body. Our entrance into and embrace of, His passion and death, results in our own salvation, and only in an indirect and much less necessary way, perhaps the salvation of others. But this has one exception: if it is true that our being united to Jesus in His passion primarily and essentially results in our own salvation, it is not so with the Blessed Mother. She experienced salvation from the first instance of her Conception, long before she stood on Calvary to be united with her son in His passion. If not her own salvation, what then was the result when she did this? Ours. Co-Redemptrix. Every grace we receive by the passion and death of Christ comes to us through her hands.

God Bless

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sorry! Writing more soon!

So there is this huge retreat called NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) that takes place this year in Cansas City, Missouri!

I am having difficulty figuring out how I am going to pay for going but I'll figure a way!

The other retreat that I am hoping to attend is called "Stubenville East". I'm not sure where the exact time and place is but there you have it!

Hope to write more on the subject later! God bless <3

Monday, April 20, 2009


I almost forgot!!!

I got confirmed this Easter at the Vigil Mass! I went through the RCIA class for that so I could study different things than my peers were learning in the traditional Confirmation Class. I wanted more in depth lessons and a change of schedule. (Sundays just weren't cutting it...) Wednesdays were better and I got to know some interesting people along with solid information I was grateful to learn.

This is what happened:

First, Father called up the people that were getting baptized, then down through a list until it got the the people getting confirmed; the last sacrament. I was last in line though we all stayed on the alter. Father went all down the row, confirming us. Finally we all stood in a row across the alter with a pot of lilies in our hands while people clapped.

I'd just like to add one thing that was a continual frustration. Sparkles..... They were everywhere! This was mostly because of the dress I'd picked out for the event. Every time I took a step or brushed the material with my hand, sparkles showered the ground. My feet were really bright by the end of the night. Not to mention the floor of my bathroom at home of any of the floors I besparkled by simply walking on. The next day, I served the 11 o'clock mass. Father had one on his forehead and C and I almost burst from laughing when we stood there for him to wash his hands before the consecration. I know, I know. Not the best time to find something amusing... Ah well!

After the mass, we had a reception downstairs in the hall. This was nice, with people congratulating me and so on. But I felt I didn't deserve the attention half as much as any of the others that had been in the class. They were the ones taking the big step. I felt so exited to be confirmed. I was not disappointed in the least.

My Easter was wonderful! The dinner was delicious as I might have predicted, but just as memorable as the last Easter dinner. I am glad to be blessed as I am with my family and friends, but so many things I take for granted pass me by everyday. What are they? I am trying to look closely at my life. What can I improve? Of course, at that, about a thousand things come to mind. Growing in virtue will make these things better but that is easier said than done.

I am praying for all souls, especially the ones who take time to read this dull blog because I know they can only be people who feel bad if they don't. This is admirable and I don't release you from that. I need someone to read this blog...

The only thing I hope is that somehow I can help infinitesimally in bringing someone closer to God by informing you of wonderful things that happen to and for these Ladies in Mary's Grace.

God Bless

Yesterday's Mercy Sunday Event

I went to a Mercy Sunday Event yesterday. It started at around 2:30 with the youth in the church hall. First we learnt how to pray the Mercy Chaplet, then we headed over to the church to sing the Mercy Chaplet. Then we had Adoration with Confession followed by Benediction. This took about an hour and a half, then we went back to the church hall for social time. There were cookies and apples with dip as snacks but we also played "Apples to Apples" for about two hours. There were a couple adults with about eight youth playing the game. We had a lot of fun!

Mercy Sunday: First I went to mass at my local parish where we were celebrating the elevation of our late pastor to Monsignor. The line to talk to him afterward was massive. It took at least an hour before my sisters and I even bothered to get in it! Then it took us half an hour to get to him. There was food and people a plenty, no one was hungry really after that.

Soon after we came home from that, we left for Castleton for the Mercy Sunday even. When we got there, the priest explained to us how to pray the Mercy Chaplet on our rosaries. Soon it was 3 o'clock and time for us to head over to the church. We all knelt in the pews and sang it in front of Jesus exposed in the monstrance. Then we had two priests hearing confessions in the back while others could sit or kneel for adoration.

Shortly after the confessions were done, we did Benediction. After that, (I can't remember what time it was...) the youth and their chaperones went to the church hall next to the church for social time. First we all just talked and ate cookies and apples with really really good dip. The we got bored, but instead of leaving we brought out "Apples to Apples"! Always a good game. Especially when everyone has a good sense of humor!

Over all, a really good time. I was so glad to be having fun with those God loving people.

My parents were off in Ohio at that time visiting a Apparition Site called "Holy Love". I will talk more about that at another time.

In the mean time, God Bless!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

My confirmation retreat

The other day, I went to a confirmation retreat in a school about half an hour away from where I live. It started at about 3:30 though I had to be there about an hour before so my sisters could help set up. I wasn't allowed because I was going to be one of the participants this time. That doesn't happen all that often these days. Usually, I've spent lots of time with other people months before so we can plan every little thing so I was used to be in on everything. Ah well, a little change. That's always good!

So anyway, I was told to go into a little empty classroom until 3:30 so I wouldn't hear what they were planning or see any of the prep taking place. An hour later... there were other people in the little room, waiting like me for something to happen. Finally, (I'm exaggerating a little, it wasn't boring cause I had lots of cool people to talk to.) the planners (about five to ten people) came in and ushered us into a chapel down the hall and had us sit and listen to a Priest welcome us tell us a little about why we were there. The reason was that we were going to be confirmed and that confirmation, like baptism, was a joining of Christ's Church only it was a re-affirming of our decision to be a Catholic Christian. This makes much sense if one takes a second to think about it.

After that talk of about fifteen minutes, we had a five minute break because the other talk was going to be longer. Then, after being ushered back into the Chapel, a Franciscan Priest gave a talk about what confirmation really is, in the sense of the sacraments. Why do I need to be confirmed? Well, my parents baptised me when I was a little baby but what about now? What is my decision? If my answer is yes, then the Holy Spirit sweeps through me, preparing me to do the work the Lord Wills for me. Similar to the Decent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles in the upper room. In this sense, confirmation is going further than enabling me to go to Heaven, making me the Lord's vessel for evangelizing. Simply, becoming a bearer of responsibilities in the Church. An adult.

Next, we prayed a decade of the rosary; I think it was the third Glorious Mystery which is very appropriate as that is the Decent of the Holy Spirit upon the Apostles.

After that we went to the little class room and watched two minute-long videos representing Baptism and Confirmation. They were really very entertaining...

Next some of the 'planners' came in with little headbands on with little pieces of paper shaped like flames that read either a fruit or gift of the Holy Spirit, describing them in their context. Each planer got a group of two to three kids and asked them a few questions about what they would do with this gift or fruit of the Holy Spirit in their lives. After we'd discussed them in the little groups, the 'planners' read the gifts and fruits aloud. Then one of my friends got up and talked about her experiences of being 'slain in the spirit', one of which I was in back of her to catch her. (That was at Mount Saint Mary's 2009 in Maryland for a retreat that took place in the seminary and adjoining college.)

I'll write more later...

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Meet Bridge

Hello again!

Now, I introduce myself after introducing the Blog.

I am a cradle Catholic. I went to a Private Catholic School until fifth grade in which I started homeschooling. When I started homeschooling, I was still relatively naive about my faith and how to really praise and follow God. JJ and C started getting involved in Youth Ministry almost immediately (we started homeschooling at the same time) and making new friends. I couldn't wait until I was old enough to join the youth group they were in!

Shortly after I started homeschooling, I realized more and more how much I hadn't been taught about the Catholic Church while in school. Was this because the government didn't like Catholics? Maybe I was in the middle of a revolution! I found, instead, that my parents had only counted on the school to teach me what I needed to learn about the faith. This is highly inadvisable if this is what some are doing. A school can only do so much after teaching you about Science, Math, Geography, History... so on and so forth. They are not responsible for my faith life.

When I started to find out about all the things I hadn't been taught in school about Catholicism, I started going to retreats and getting more involved in my faith. Mom and Dad wanted me to get a better grip on what the youth do in our diocese/state. JJ and C were both involved in making retreats so I naturally went to one that they helped make. My first was called "Middle School Youth Rally". While I can't say it was the best experience with retreats(I've been to so many wonderful ones), it was eye opening. There were a lot of youth there putting it on (two of them being C and JJ) and leading the middle schoolers, respectfully talking about prayer and Jesus Christ. Passion blazed their words when they talked about God and His Mercy that I was very taken aback. The group of youth putting this on was called the Diocesan Youth Council. At this time, I was only about 12. It made an impression...

After I turned 14, I was admitted into the Diocesan Youth Council long after applying two years before, hoping to slip into the group. I was denied at first, but only because I was under than the suggested grade and age while other people wanted to join the group. I was, as you can imagine, really exited when I got in. At the same time I got into the DYC, my mother and I were asked to join a group called the Vermont Catholic Youth Workers. They are a group of adults who provide resources and training for other adults in Catechises and youth oriented programs in the Catholic Church. The reason they wanted me was for a Youth's perspective on what adults should teach other youths. This sounded interesting so we said yes. Since then, C has joined this group. (My mother was invited because she seemed the perfect adult addition.)

In the middle of this whole process, I was attending many retreats and going on spiritual pilgrimages with my family (including World Youth Day which we will talk a lot about later.). I came to love the people I went to these retreats with and respect those that made it happen. I really couldn't have gone to most of the things I've gone to if it weren't for a specific three people.
God really is awesome!

In Christ,

Meet J.J. ...

C. started with the beginning, now let me show you how it has continued.

All three of us recently went to a great retreat called Mount 2009. The bus ride is where it all begins. We were with a group of about fifty. We watched movies, talked and prayed all the way there. It's great to begin a retreat getting to know the community your going there with. Once we got there (about ten hours later...) we were registered and had dinner. That evening we heard a couple of talks by some great lay speakers, we celebrated Mass and witnessed the Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. All night Adoration was available right across the hall from where the girls sleep. Before bed I went to confession, and that began my weekend on the right note. After confession I went to Adoration and truly committed myself to the part of the Act of Contrition were you promise to avoid the "near occasion of sin". I totally surrendered and pretty much gave up the things I had wasted the most time on in the past few years (reading Fiction and Fantasy/Sci-fie). It was such a big change in my life and something I had been struggling to do for so long, that it straightened out a lot of my life. The next day when I heard the Vocation Talk, I fell in love with the Order of the Sister who gave the talk. I've been to a lot of retreats, and at the end of the best retreats they ask for everyone who has heard the call to the Religious life to "please stand up!". I've always stood up at this time. Somehow I tend to forget or ignore it when I get back home. This time it stuck. When they asked on Sunday at the end of the Closing Mass, I stood up again. When I went home, I truly looked into things seriously, and still plan to follow through! I realize now that being completely open to doing God's Will, no matter what you have to give up, is the only way to hear when He calls you to your Vocation. The best retreat is the one at which you are open.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Meet C. ...

Hi, Bridge explained this blog rather well, so I don't actually have to say much on that account.

I want to share a bit of my faith story, and my retreat story too! (they have much to do with each other).

The first retreat that I ever went to was called Youth 2000. It took place in Massachusetts, and it was a weekend retreat (as opposed to a one day retreat). Youth 2000 is hosted by the Franciscans(I think it's the Friars of the renewal, but I'm not positive). They are so wonderful! They really bring out the feeling of the true Faith. They breath life into the Church, they describe and explain things so well, as to open me up to even consider the religious life!

This retreat followed the basic awesome retreat schedule:
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament for Perpetual Adoration(through the night and everything!)
Lights Out by 11:00 or so
Wake Up at around 6:30 or 7then Breakfast
This day(usually Saturday) is the day that all the talks and workshops happen.
At Youth 2000 we also have small group times to discuss the talks, and all the Speakers are Franciscans! The most common talks to have would be the Vocational talks, and then you can have talks based somewhat on that year's theme.

The meals happen throughout, and a couple of breaks. We don't want to make this retreat too grueling! ; )

I remember one year, the talk that was given in the evening was about the Way of the Cross. A talented Franciscan did an awesome in depth talk (he had props and it was very involved) about the way it must have been like for the Lord to be crucified back then, and what the crucifiction entailed.

Youth 2000 also trains an awesome team of youth who help outat the retreat and are the small group leaders. Though, I think they had to cut back on the youth help, since last time they had Brothers and Sisters leading the small group sessions.

As for my faith story, I usually just think of my vocational discernment, and what journey that has taken me on.

It think I will save that story for next week... ; D

Love you all!!

in Christ,

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Benny explaines...

Hi, this is me. That is a wonderfully self explanatory statement isn't it? This is Benny...

I am sixteen and currently involved in several different groups in my Diocese. For those of you who are wondering, I am a Roman Catholic. As a Catholic (which is bassically the original Christian, for anyone who ever wondered...), we believe that Jesus Christ is Lord and King, Savior and all that's good. We also believe that Mary, the Virgin Mother of God, is due respect and reverence, not worship. That being said, I will tell you more of the for starting this blog.

First, I am so incredibly blessed to have my faith and family, but also to have my community of fellow Catholics and all other Christians. As a homeschooling kid (I started homeschooling after fourth grade), I have had a lot of opportunities to travel and time in which to do it. my parents really want me to get more familiar with the faith, as they always have and always will. My two older sisters(who are introduced as well as myself below, in the first post) started to get involved in Youth Ministry. I am a part of the Peer Ministry of the Youth Ministry. Also I am the youth getting ministered to and the Youth that helps advise the Adults on what the Youth need or just give them the youth perspective of what they want. It's kinda confusing, but bare with me. There are three main groups I belong to. The first one I joined, about two years ago, is called the Diocesan Youth Council or DYC for short. The second one I joined around the same time is called Vermont Catholic Youth Workers or VCYW for short (there are a lot of acronyms in my life...). Then the last main one is my local Deanery Youth Apostalate. DYA for short, of course. The first two are state wide and the last is mostly local but several times bigger than my parish.

The DYC is a group of mostly youth that plans a retreat called Youth Leadership Congress (YLC for short). This Congress is for teens that already go to Church regularly and are in the state of Grace. Each year, we come up with a theme that teaches them about different ways to go out and live a holy and evangelistic life.

The VCYW is a group of mostly adults that plans a variety of helpful trainings and or prepares resources for Catechises purposes. There are several different committees in this group to help accomplish this as well as can be(One of which Catherine and I are co-chairing.

The DYA is a group of people (equally youth and adults) that want to get together a couple times a month to exercise the faith with the people they know and like. There are committees in this group as well (Catherine is chair and I am the co-chair of one.).

All of these committees have lots of jobs to do and many things to concentrate on, so I often find myself confused as to what I supposed to be doing for which group or committee. So besides all of this, I love to go to retreats and or pilgrimages. So guess what the name is of both the committees that Catherine and I are chars of! Ding, ding, ding!!! "Retreats and Pilgrimages"!!! I honestly couldn't think of a more wonderful crowd to hang out with though.

Mary really does pour our her Graces on me and my sisters like pie filling into a pie crust! As long as I keep my crust filling thin and smooth, (keep my heart empty of worldly worries and sins) Mary will make me more worthy of Heaven. That's what I'm counting on!

Please pray for me and I will be praying for you. Have a wonderful day!

In Christ,

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This is some of us...

Some Youth Ministry Groups in my life are mixed in this one. The banner says DYC but in front is a couple DYA members too. With us in the "March for Life" in Washington D.C. were thousands from all over the country!

This is Judy Joan D'Arc Marie. I am the oldest of our youngest bunch of the family. Youth Ministry is my specialty.

This is Catherine John Paul Marie. ; D
I am in the middle of us three. I love people.

This is Bridge Benny Marie. As the Good Book says, the last shall be first! haha ; - P Do me a favor and read John 6 in the Bible. Oh, and pray for me...

This is our Blog!!!