Thursday, October 8, 2009

NCYC promo

"NCYC" promotional video!

Seriously CHECK THIS OUT! I went when this video was made (Columbus, Ohio) and the feeling of God's presence among 20,000 other kids like me was overpowering. I laughed, I cried, I gasped and I sighed. There's hardly any words to describe an experience like this.

Mainly, there were two places the even was hosted at. One was the stadium where those shot of thousands of people were taken and the other was a huge building where the games and some 'general sessions' were(other talks for people of different interests). The second building is the one where so many of us were actually able to meet in person the various speakers and singers/musicians.

With all my heart, I pray everyone can experience a love for God as I have experienced at NCYC.

God Bless

Monday, October 5, 2009

C's Daily Life

I'm back! : )

It has been a while since I have written. Sorry about that.
Tonight I would like to talk about our day to day spiritual growth. Our Lady advises five communications with the Lord that we must keep up. It goes like this:
1. Live the Eucharist
2. Daily Rosary
3. Daily Bible Reading
4. Weekly Fasting
5. Monthly Confession

Since I heard this I have tried to live it, and make the Lord a part of my day. I figure if I can be so serious about brushing my teeth every single day, I can also be serious about talking to the Lord (who by the way, gave me my teeth) every day. The way I do it is by reading two chapters of the Bible every night before I go to sleep, go to mass every day (mostly in the morning), and say the rosary on the way to work. I personally have not been doing too well on the Fasting part, but I have tomorrow to fix that right? : )

What I always have to remind myself is that I am not perfect, I should never be surprised that I screw up, that the Lord never tests us beyond our strength, and He ALWAYS has Mercy on us and will give us the Grace to come back to Him.

I love you Lord, I love you sweet Mother,


Friday, October 2, 2009


Jesus Christ,
My Lord and Savior, teach me to laugh at myself and see you in these children I'm humbled to serve. Give me patience with myself that I can put my pride aside and do Your will with no distractions. Show me the truth and the light as I help guide your lambs to you, but let me forget my worries that I might show them the joy you have let me have in you!
Oh, and Lord, I pray I have fun at NCYC. I love you.

New experiences

So how much guts does it take to stand or sit in front of a bunch of second-graders for a CCD class that lasts around an hour? For me, a lot.

At the beginning of the summer, I went to the pastor of my parish to ask for parish funds so I could attend a retreat in Kansas City, Missouri called "National Catholic Youth Conference" or NCYC. Naturally, though to me unexpected, Fr. Justin - the pastor - asks me "Well, what does the parish get? If the parish is paying for it then they should get something in return for being generous." At first I laughed as I considered my skills so little and pretty much useless to the parish. What can I do for my parish when I have so little to give? I thought. Well, I was wrong. I had one invaluable thing. Time.

"What about helping out the Religious Ed. classes on Tuesdays?" Fr. Justin asks. (called CCD classes for short; Catholic Catechism... something. I haven't figured out what 'D' stands for... lol)

My reaction could pretty much be summed up by my next utterance: "Uh...."

So off I went to the CCD classes. At first I was worried I'd get some 'smart-alec' class and I'd be told off for treating them like little kids on my nerves, like my siblings treated me. Then I heard from the CCD coordinator that I'd be with the little kids since they were big classes this year.

Back to my original question, the one I had floating in the back of my mind all summer long while I waited for school to start; "How much guts does it take to stand or sit in front of a class of little kids?"

When I found out which class I was helping with I was glad to find I knew the teacher of the class. A youngish woman that had, just this past Easter, entered the Catholic Church. Encouraged, I finally walked into the class room one Tuesday afternoon to find about sixteen big/little eyes staring up at me from small desks. "Oh boy," I though. "This is going to be interesting."

You see, being seventeen, I'm not particularly suave and graceful with my actions or words. Stumbling around furniture and fumbling with my vocabulary is my daily routine and exercise! Plus, I walked in sweaty because I'm the school crossing guard. I must have looked weird to the kids... Anyway, when I saw those kids looking at me, my stomach turned up-side-down.

As I've seen the kids a few times now, I have gotten a better feel for how I'm supposed to act. Like a grownup! Totally weird...

Blessings to all.

In Christ,